It took a while to find an alternative name to lamps. Light Phixtures was quite close but the one with “exciter” won.
Light features heavily in our day-to-day. As with sound treatment, lighting design is crucial to attain a high level of comfort and satisfaction in our spaces. The psychological and physiological effects of light impact on mood, well-being, and productivity. At Phurniture, we aim to enhance your interior’s lighting design, considering factors such as space, colour, and lighting controls. We focus on three main lighting categories: general/ambient lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting. We will further explore lighting improvement in future, however, we emphasise the need for professional consultation to achieve personalised and effective lighting solutions. Please get in touch for an appointment.
We offer three families of lamps … I mean, photon exciters: TSAND, Jules and Jerry. They are all hand made in our workshop from recycled materials. Each range has table, floor and ceiling versions.
A single sheet of recycled metal or plastic twisted like a Möbius strip (but more than once). The opaque materials provide indirect, mood-setting light whereas the translucent diffusers can be used as task lights.
This is a personal dedication from our designer Atakan Mercan to Julien Thomasset, aka Jules, who was a bright shining light to everyone who met him, providing a share of his boundless positivity and energy. If joules is a measure of energy, let Jules be a measure of positive and supportive energy of his kind, and from this lamp may pour Juleses of energy for as long as there will be people who remember him.
This was one of Atakan’s first commissions for a restaurant. He designed and made six round and two rectangular pendants while working in Building BloQs, where Jules was a co-founder.
The name comes from material used to make the diffuser, jerry cans, kindly donated by Victory Distillery, in whose car park the jerry cans kept piling up until we took them and made TSAND lamps with them. Both parties were grateful to each other for this removal! One day, while working on something completely different, our collaborator Yasin Bayraktar thought up this elegant design and sketched it out.
Also, Jerry is one of my favourite characters of all time.